User Guide


Ikkuna is a framework for supervising the training of your PyTorch models. It is stupidly easy to use. It allows you to code your chosen metric once and then use it from any kind of model. It also comes with a few metrics out of the box.


Here we use the script for demoing what ikkuna does. We let ikkuna plot training accuracy and the spectral norm of the layer weights without having to care about the specific model. The library automatically discovers the model structure — it filters for conv layers here — and adds the metric to it.

Read below for how to use it for your own models.

The metrics which are ready to use are

  • Training Accuracy
  • Validation Accuracy
  • Training loss
  • Variance of gradients, weight updates, etc.
  • p-Norm of gradients, weights, etc.
  • Ratio between weight updates and weights, or other quantities
  • Spectral norm of weights etc
  • Histograms
  • SVCCA layer saturation metric presented in my master thesis.



This package requires you to have PyTorch 0.5 or newer installed. Unfortunately, the PyPI versions always lag behind, so you may have to compile PyTorch yourself. Don’t worry, it is a straightforward albeit somewhat time-consuming process.


If you install the torchvision package after installing PyTorch from source, it will overwrite your PyTorch installation with an older version. So if you need it, install it from source as well or do it before installing PyTorch. The issue has been reported here.

Installing the library

ikkuna can then be installed with pip

pip install ikkuna

Alternatively, run

pip install git+


git clone
cd ikkuna/
python install     # can use `pip install -e .` as well

to get the bleeding-edge version.

Reporting Issues

This project is under development and — by virtue of being a thesis project — probably unstable and bug-ridden. Therefore, expect to encounter issues. For reporting, please use the issue tracker.


Using the library is very simple. Assuming you have a PyTorch model given, like this ConvNet

class Net(torch.nn.Module):
    '''Reduced AlexNet (basically just a few conv layers with relu and
    max-pooling) which attempts to adapt to arbitrary input sizes, provided they are large enough to
    survive the strides and conv cutoffs.

    features    :   torch.nn.Module
                    Convolutional module, extracting features from the input
    classifier  :   torch.nn.Module
                    Classifier with relu and dropout
    H_out   :   int
                Output height of the feature detector part
    W_out   :   int
                Output width of the feature detector part
    def __init__(self, input_shape, num_classes=1000):
        super(Net, self).__init__()

        # if channel dim not present, add 1
        if len(input_shape) == 2:
        H, W, C = input_shape

        # couple o' convs, poolings, and relus
        self.features = torch.nn.Sequential(
            torch.nn.Conv2d(C, 64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1),
            torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2),
            torch.nn.Conv2d(64, 192, kernel_size=3, padding=2),
            torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2),
            torch.nn.Conv2d(192, 192, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
        self.H_out =  H // (2 * 2 * 2)
        self.W_out =  W // (2 * 2 * 2)

        # linear classifier
        self.classifier = torch.nn.Sequential(
            torch.nn.Linear(192 * self.H_out * self.W_out, 2048),
            torch.nn.Linear(2048, 2048),
            torch.nn.Linear(2048, num_classes),

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.features(x)
        x = x.view(x.size(0), 192 * self.H_out * self.W_out)
        x = self.classifier(x)
        return x

For hooking this model up with the framework, you need only add three lines.

  1. Add an Exporter object to the model, e.g. by passing it as a constructor parameter

    def __init__(self, input_shape, exporter, num_classes=1000):
        # ...
  2. Inform the Exporter of the model:

  3. Inform the Exporter of which layers to track. You can pass it the entire model in which case it will track everything recursively, or pass it individual modules.

    # alternatively, only track some layers

    For convenience, the following also works

    self.features = torch.nn.Sequential(
        exporter(torch.nn.Conv2d(C, 64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1)),
        torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2),
        exporter(torch.nn.Conv2d(64, 192, kernel_size=3, padding=2)),
        torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2),
        torch.nn.Conv2d(192, 192, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
  4. Add Subscribers to the same MessageBus which the Exporter uses. They take certain parameters which you can look up in the documentation.

    # create a Subscriber which publishes the ratio between gradients
    # and weights (for each layer that has them) as a tensorboard scalar
    ratio_subscriber = RatioSubscriber(['gradients', 'weights_'],

There are two optional steps

  1. You should call epoch_finished() whenever you’ve run through the training set once, at least if any of your Subscribers rely on the 'epoch_finished' message or the epoch-local step counter.
  2. You should inform the Exporter of the loss function in use by calling set_loss(), if any of your Subscribers need access to the input labels or the final output of the network


Ikkuna is a Publisher-Subscriber framework, which means that in this case, a central authority publishes data from the training process and relays it to all registered subscribers. This central authority is the Exporter class. Internally, it replaces some of the Model’s methods with wrappers so it can be transparently informed of anything interesting happening. It uses PyTorch hooks (see torch.nn.Module.register_forward_hook() and related methods) on the Modules it is tracking and the Tensors inside.

Messages published from the Exporter come in two types, the NetworkMessage for events which are not tied to any specific module and ModuleMessage for those that are. All messages have a kind attribute, which is the topic the message is about. For NetworkMessages, the following kinds are available:

    'activations', 'layer_gradients'
'''Message kinds which are tied to a specific module and always carry data. These topics is just
what comes with the library, others can be added to a specific :class:`MessageBus`'''

Most of these topics do not come with any data attached, but for some, the messages data attribute will not be None, but contain Tensors.

For ModuleMessages, the following kinds are available:

class Message(abc.ABC):
    '''Base class for messages emitted from the :class:`~ikkuna.export.Exporter`.

These topics always come with data attached and it is an error to attempt creating a ModuleMessage without passing data.

Creating a new Subscriber

For adding your own metric, you must subclass Subscriber or the more specialised PlotSubscriber if the metric can be displayed in a line plot. All you need to do is write an __init__ method and override compute(). Your initializer should contain at least the following arguments:

def __init__(self, message_bus, kinds, tag=None, subsample=1, ylims=None, backend='tb'):

Their significance is:

  • kinds: you’ll have to create a Subscription object which represents the kind of connection to the Publisher
  • message_bus: The ikkuna.export.messages.MessageBus is the receiver and sender of all messages. You should pass this bus to the superclass initialiser
  • kinds: the kinds/topics of messages to receive. For now, refer to the source code for ikkuna.export.messages for a list of available topics.
  • tag: a tag can be used for filtering messages. I’m not sure what this would be useful for, but the Subscription instance removes messages which do not have the correct tag.

For the other args, peruse the documentation of __init__()

A Subscription object contains the information about the topic, subsampling (maybe you want to process only every n-th message) and tagging. Tags can be used to filter messages, but are currently unused. A more specialised form is SynchronizedSubscription. This subscription takes care of synchronising topics, meaning if your Subscriber needs several kinds of messages for each module at each time step, this class takes care of only releasing the messages in bundles after all kinds have been received for a module.

The Subscriptions will invoke the Subscribers compute() method with either single messages, if no synchronisation is used, or MessageBundle objects which contain the data for one module and all desired kinds. As an example, consider the RatioSubscriber:

class RatioSubscriber(PlotSubscriber):
    '''A :class:`~ikkuna.export.subscriber.Subscriber` which computes the average ratio between two
    quantities.  The dividend will be the first element of the
    :attr:`~ikkuna.export.subscriber.Subscription.kinds` property, the divisor the second.
    Therefore it is vital to pass the message kinds to the
    :class:`~ikkuna.export.subscriber.Subscription` object in the correct order.'''

    def __init__(self, kinds, message_bus=get_default_bus(), tag='default', subsample=1, ylims=None,
                 backend='tb', absolute=True):
        absolute :  bool
                    Whether to use absolute ratio
        if len(kinds) != 2:
            raise ValueError(f'RatioSubscriber requires 2 kinds, got {len(kinds)}.')

        title        = f'{kinds[0]}_{kinds[1]}_ratio'
        ylabel       = 'Ratio'
        xlabel       = 'Train step'
        subscription = SynchronizedSubscription(self, kinds, tag=tag, subsample=subsample)
                         {'title': title,
                          'ylabel': ylabel,
                          'ylims': ylims,
                          'xlabel': xlabel},
        if absolute:
            self._metric_postprocess = torch.abs
            self._metric_postprocess = lambda x: x

        self._add_publication(f'{kinds[0]}_{kinds[1]}_ratio', type='DATA')

    def compute(self, message_bundle):
        '''The ratio between the two kinds is computed as the ratio of L2-Norms of the two Tensors.
        A :class:`~ikkuna.export.messages.ModuleMessage` with the identifier
        ``{kind1}_{kind2}_ratio`` is published.'''

        module, module_name = message_bundle.key

        dividend            =[message_bundle.kinds[0]]
        divisor             =[message_bundle.kinds[1]]

        scale1              = dividend.norm()
        scale2              = divisor.norm()
        ratio               = (scale1 / scale2).item()

        self._backend.add_data(module_name, ratio, message_bundle.global_step)

        kind = f'{message_bundle.kinds[0]}_{message_bundle.kinds[1]}_ratio'

As you can see, the Subscriber initialiser takes a plot_config dictionary to pass along some information to the visualisation backend. If your subscriber in turn publishes further messages, you can use the _add_publication() method to announce it to the world.

Installing the Subscriber

If you want your newly defined class to be accessible throughout the current Python environment (system-wide, user, conda, virtualenv, whatever), you need to create a new project with a file like this

#!/usr/bin/env python

from distutils.core import setup
import setuptools

setup(name='<your package name>',
    author='<your name',
    author_email='<your email>',
    packages=['<package name>'],
    # ... any other args
        'ikkuna.export.subscriber': [
            'YourSubscriber = module.file:YourSubscriber',

If you then run python install, you will be able to import YourSubscriber through ikkuna.export.subscriber as if it had been shipped with the library.